Pilates Core Build with Sonnie Anthony

Daily Core Pilates

4 Week Pilates Course
Regular Price: $59.99

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Sign up to receive a PDF calendar and easy access video workouts that includes:
🗓   Daily videos ranging from 15-60 minutes
🏋️   Bonus core & strength training videos
🧘   Bedtime meditation reflection

"This course is amazing! My mornings are so invigorating and I feel so much better than starting my day with a cup o' joe."

- Vanessa G.

My product on a desk
My product on a desk
My product on a desk

Need more to reach your goals?

Purchase one-on-one coaching sessions. The time on these can vary based on your needs and are billed according to the individual. 

✓  20-60 minute custom workouts
✓  YOUR goals come first
✓  Calorie burning workouts
✓  Nutrition advice
✓  Workout from home!

"Sonnie is phenomenal!! She worked really closely with me, and I can definitely feel and see a difference with my body.  I always walked away from our session relaxed and with a smile. Thank you!!!!!!"

- Carl M.


Facebook Live Challenges

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We do weekly and monthly challenges within the group to help keep you motivated, ask any questions, and support one another. We have created an amazing community to stretch, breathe and laugh our way to better health.

We outline a specific video daily to partake in the challenge. You can watch the video at any time, so it's completely flexible for you. I love seeing  everyone's smiling faces, so I often jump on for a live session too! I can't wait to see you!

P.S. I'll also share nutrition information and meditation practices to relax during the week. ❤️